Friday, October 31, 2008

The Zen of digging a hole

Ever grab a shovel and just start digging most people don't because they say its to hard or their soft little hands blister way to soon.   Thats the goal pussy push yourself past the point of pain past the point of thought to the point where you just become machine.  Dig a hole and dig it deep and big this is no two or three day project. Stay out there a good 8 to 10 hours shovel in hand digging how long till you break how long till you quit how long till you just go why in the fuck am I doing this shit. First thing to go is your hands they will blister then pop and it hurts like a mother fucker, next go your arms they turn to jello barely able to lift the dirt from the hole, then your back from throwing the dirt out of  the hole and twisting, then your legs from pushing the shovel in deeper and your mind is fucking with you this whole time telling you to quit like a whining little baby inside of you thinking about other shit and how much this sucks and shit that you would rather be doing.  Now get past all this pussified bullshit running through your body and mind and none of it fucking matters next thing you know your hands are bleeding your head is blank you cant feel shit from your neck down and your just digging like the shovel was always part of you.  No real point to this I just hate whinny pussies that can't to anything for themselves. fuck you very much and enjoy zen

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