Friday, October 31, 2008

From the Inside

My insides are screaming and clawing to get out.  It's like there is a war going on inside of me and nothing can stop it.  Yet some how my skin has the ability to contain it and keep it all in.  This is rage trapped into yet another cage it wants out and I want to rip open my skin and let it out what ever it is that races through my veins.  I just want to poke a little hole and see if it makes things feel better.  Maybe I will cut deeper or to deep and someone will notice this time.  I like the pain of tattoos it takes me away for a few hours but how long will that help.  Eventually I will have to go deeper for relief.  I am waiting for sleep to come just so I can switch off my brain I just hope I can sleep for a lot longer its peaceful there.

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