Monday, October 27, 2008


When I was born my momma cried fuck  you Jesus and
the doctor slapped my ass and I to began to cry.  But the cry wasn't in 
pain instead the simple fact that I was chosen to live in this world.  Born
of one sperm and one egg knowing i could have been spent on a blow job or some stain on 
some towel stuffed under a couch somewhere or thrown away or sent to the cleaners.
Although many do not see it this is probably the most creative art form there is for this form of 
art takes on life and like all are some sucks and is ugly as hell and worthless except to its creators who will eventually loose interest also. I feel lucky for I am a beautiful creation liked by most all who see me I am the creation of two beautiful artists who would never sell their creation for any
amount of money.

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