Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Great American Decline

The great American Decline what was once a clogged toilet flush through shit filled plumbing is now an overflowing river of fuck  draining out of the pussy of an over worked hooker.  The blood that surfaced from a scraped knuckle now pools on the floor quicker then the sliced jugular of a sacrificial goat as we race to destroy what was once beautiful.  The ugly truth now causes our eye's to wince in pain.  The pain of our own creation a cancer filled lung that eats away at our soul with every breath.  The animals who once fed upon what nature provided now feed upon the debris and left over scraps of our lazy human race.  A race or the true race to over populate and destroy everything it comes  in contact with as I dissect the inner workings of my mind I realize that only the front part is actually in use.  It clouds my vision and causes and inability to focus and pulls me from the rat race.  People distract me from my one creations with their rules, lies and inability to think on an intelligent level.  They seem to have their own vision which comes from somewhere close to their ass where their head resides most of the time.  My freedom is more important to me than the time they steal from me.  Americas greatest lie.  WELCOME TO AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE.  Bullshit free slavery is about all America has to offer now.  Prison cells are often bigger than most peoples space on the outside and many of us are just prisoners of our own mind which is even smaller yet it holds a vast area of undisclosed space.  Mostly untouched and unoccupied by any clue as to what the fuck is going on.  As a species  we crave what we don't have and the things we see others with.  Like their lives are so much fucking better than our own.  Well guess what you get exactly what you want. Yes right here in America you to can have the fucked up lives of your neighbors, friends and family its all just a credit card away and you to can live your life of suckdom right along with them and enjoy your flush able existence.

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